
  • Sunset

    1. Mid-early mature variety. Oval shape.

    2. Vigorous growth. Green rind covered with regular stripes.

    3. Average weight: 5kg. Brix: 13%.

    4. Orange flesh. Hard rind. Good resistance to cracking.Good taste.

  • Orchid  Princess

    1. Relative maturity days(From Flowering):30.

    2. Green skin covered with black jagged stripes.

    3. Oval shape. Yellow and juicy flesh. Average weight:4 kg. Brix 13%.

    4. High quality and stable yield.

  • Biocolor

    1.High-round shape. Relative maturity days(From flowering):35

    2.Green skin covered with jagged stripes.

    3.Average weight: 7kg. Brix:12.5%

    4.Crispy, red and yellow flesh.

  • Sunset
  • Orchid Princess
  • Biocolor